Our Mission

HEMPONAIR exists to serve as a guide for all things cannabis. Our purpose is to help create a better cannabis marketplace by helping to ensure cleaner, safer, and healthier cannabis products.

Our aim is to hold growers, producers, manufacturers, and retailers accountable while at the same time educating and protecting consumers about cannabis.


We Believe

  • Everyone deserves a right to know what’s in their cannabis.
  • Everyone deserves access to clean, pesticide-free, microbe-free, and chemical-free cannabis.
  • Trusted, third-party audits of products and label claims are key to influencing the industry, raising consumer expectations, and creating a cleaner, safer, and healthier cannabis marketplace.
  • All cannabis and cannabis-related products should come in safe packaging.
  • Any and all cannabis products marketed and sold as such should state exactly what kind of cannabis is used, where it comes from, and how much is in it.
  • The integrity of the cannabis industry begins with those who operate in it.
  • That by working together, we can create a more transparent marketplace that’s cleaner, safer, and healthier for all.