Vapen Clear Cannabis Inhaler ($110)

From vaping and dabbing to eating/drinking, pills, and even transdermal patches, there’s certainly been a significant influx of innovative cannabis consumption methods to hit the market these past few years, and now we have yet another one in the form of the Vapen inhaler.

Taking a page straight from the medical community, the Vapen Clear Inhaler is a pharmaceutical-grade pressurized metered dose inhaler that delivers 10 mg of THC per dose without the use of heat, offering a quicker and cleaner method of consumption with every puff.

Each canister cartridge contains 1,000 mg of THC, which equals out to 100 puffs per canister, with each puff being delivered via an aerosol to ensure a more effective way of medicating when compared with smoking or vaping, as very little, if anything, is exhaled. In addition, independent laboratory tests have shown that Vapen Clear products contain up to 99.52% total activated cannabinoids, meaning you’re breathing in one of the cleanest forms of isolated cannabinoids available. 

As for flavors and strains, the inhaler currently comes in 5 different versions: A “Daytime” sativa, an “Afternoon” hybrid,  “Nighttime” indica, a THC/CBD hybrid, and a straight CBD hybrid, with each version available in several different premium strains, including Jack Herer, Sour Diesel, Bubble Gum, Blueberry, Gorilla Glue, and Girl Scout Cookies, just to name a few.

The Vapen Clear Inhaler is currently only available in select shops throughout Arizona, but plans are in the works for the inhaler to soon hit California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and Nevada some time in the near future.

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