There are plenty of ways to ring in the New Year, and no matter where you celebrate, how you celebrate, and whom you celebrate with, nothing beats doing so in a tux.

Yes, the classic male formalwear piece is typically reserved for the occasional black tie wedding or fancy charity gala, but dressing up in one for New Year’s is a surefire way to get into all sorts of fun. And trouble.

You see, when you’re the only one in a tuxedo, people think you’re important. And let’s be honest, we both know you’re not. Yet still, there’s something about wearing a tuxedo that makes you impervious to any sort of obstacles, whether they be a private party or a douchey ex-boyfriend—you’re the one properly dressed, which means you’re the one with the leg up, and that leg will speak volumes if you wield it appropriately.

Roll up to a show without any tickets? Well, the tuxedo is your ticket.

Waiting in line for the club? No, you own the club.

Whether it be an uptown dinner ball or a downtown rager, being in a tuxedo means “you da man!” A man well prepared for whatever, and wherever, the night takes him. And trust us, in a tuxedo, that list is endless.

Plus it’s a great confidence booster. Not only will you automatically begin channeling your inner James Bond, you’ll be the best dressed person in any room, and even if that means you’re a tad overdressed, it’ll only work in your favor—it’s a great conversation starter and a great way to get the attention of that blonde you’ve been eyeing, and any overprotective girlfriend is sure to let her guard down knowing that the one hitting, er, “courting,” her bestie is a properly dressed gentleman with good taste and even better manners. You do have manners, don’t you? Besides, even if you do slip up here and there, you’re outfit is the thing that’ll get you out of trouble, and with a tuxedo, we’re talking all kinds of it.

Bottom line: A properly tailored tuxedo will not only make an impression, it’ll make your night, and quite literally, to say the least. It is indeed your ticket to the show, the party, and the after, after party, and is bound to lead to an adventure-packed evening filled with newly discovered people, places, and experiences. Just play your cards right and you’ll be in for one hell of a New Year’s celebration. Whether you’ll be able to keep up is another story.

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