If you smoke cannabis as much as we do, chances are you’ve got plenty of buds lying around in your home. And that’s all fine if you don’t have children, but if you do, you probably do your best to keep those buds as far away from your children as possible. Problem is, like everything else you try and hide from kids, they always manage to somehow get their tiny little hands (and mouths) around them.

And that’s where The Bureau’s Gridlock container comes in. Just like any typical NYC traffic gridlock keeps anxious New Yorkers from getting into the city, The Bureau’s Gridlock container keeps anxious children from getting into your stash thanks to its ASTM-certified child-resistant lid. A lid so hard to figure out, it even took us a minute or two to crack. Granted, we were all super high from that leftover Kosher Kush Passover stash, but still, it did prove rather difficult. No worries, though, as once you do figure it out, cracking it open is a cinch, and always will be. For you though, and not your children.

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