Say hello to the Frost Pipe, a “ground-breaking innovation in smoking technology.” Or least according to their website. And while it may not exactly be the coolest pipe around, it’s certainly the coldest. That’s because it’s made out of ice. That’s right, the Frost Pipe is essentially an ice tray molded in the shape of a pipe—yes, a pipe—that freezes into a usable contraption for your smoking pleasure.

The whole concept might seem rather ridiculous at first, but those of you who’ve ever taken a hit from an ice-filled bong know just how clean and smooth a cold hit can be. Using that logic, extending that same smoothness to a pipe doesn’t seem so crazy. Plus you can even have a little fun with it by using different colors and flavors—OJ, cranberry juice, shit, even beer—to create a truly unique smoking experience. And the best part? If it falls and breaks, you can just freeze up another one. Not a bad investment at just $25.

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