J.Crew recently re-launched its men’s denim line with newer, more modern fits, better washes, and higher quality materials that really help give their dated denim collection a much-needed makeover.

Working with Kentucky denim experts Wonderland Concepts, J.Crew designers Rich Hermosura and Ben Ross were able to create a whole new set of washes designed to mimic the natural look and feel of worn-out patterns.

According to Rich, him and Ben knew from the very beginning that they wanted their washes to “feel as authentic as possible and to reflect wear patterns based on how the body moves.” He goes on to explain how that meant “using jeans we actually wore or vintage styles we picked up over the years as a starting point.”

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Hence turning to Wonderland Concepts to really nail down the right washes. “Wonderland Concepts is a one-of-kind resource,” says Ben. “It was the first washhouse to develop most of the process used in modern jeans, like the dramatic light-to-dark wear patterns that mimic how denim fades as you wear it.”

However, the team knew that wash alone wouldn’t help them achieve the look and feel they were going after. To really get what they wanted, they needed the right fabric. That’s where Japanese textile house Kaihara came in.

Says Ben, “The fabric we chose from the Kaihara mill in Japan was perfect because it’s this really sturdy 13.5 oz. weight and can produce an incredible range of wear patterns due to its natural character.” Rich adds, “We chose the Kaihara mill because Japanese denim is produced with a real love of craft. The fabric is treated like an art form, and there’s a deep commitment to tradition and heritage.”J.Crew 5J.Crew 6
The new line is currently available online and in J.Crew stores and comes in “slim,
slimmest, and straight” fits.

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