Topstone V2 Vaporizer ($285)
Just a year after wowing the cannabis world with their gorgeous countertop vaporizer, Topstone Projects is at it yet again with the latest and greatest version of their well-received device, the Topstone V2.
While the overall look and feel still remains more or less the same, Topstone has taken feedback and learnings from their initial prototype and greatly improved on it, polishing up some of that industrial, steampunk design into something a tad bit cleaner and more refined—all the while still maintaining that tech meets woodshop look that made it so unique to begin with.
For example, the rougher aluminum exterior has been replaced with a smoother, semi-polished one, the awkward power switch is now a more responsive, stingray leather button with a comfortable, tactile feel, the unique bocote mouthpiece has been hand-sanded for a smoother touch against your lips, and the frosted glass chamber has been swapped out in favor of a cleaner, see-through glass chamber that makes the overall vaping experience a lot more exciting, allowing you to actually see the vapor filling up inside the chamber. A chamber that’s been made larger to help further regulate your dosage, giving you the ability to “take a sip” or dive deeper by turning it into your own portable dab rig.
Speaking with Topstone founder Will Bosch about the new design, he explained how he was thinking a lot about the ease and practicality of everyday household appliances and combining that with grand touring cars that feel fun and exciting.
“I wanted the craftsmanship of Topstone to have that hybrid feel,” said Will. “It’s easy to use but also extraordinary to use. The device is the foundation that unlocks the full effect of concentrates.”
Indeed it is, and with these new design updates coupled with several component ones, the Topstone not only hits better than ever, but also looks it too.
(For a limited-time only, our friends over at Topstone are offering readers of The Hemponair and members of NSFW $30 off the newest model of their gorgeous Topstone Vaporizer. To get yours visit The Shop at and use code NSFWXHEMPONAIR at checkout.)