Time was there were very few, if any, alternatives to consuming cannabis without either smoking or ingesting it. Obviously a lot’s changed since then, and now there are a ton of alternatives—from vaping, edibles, and drinkables to pills, lotions, transdermal patches (yes, for real), and now, dip!

If you’re not familiar with traditional dip, it’s a form of smokeless tobacco that’s finely grounded or shredded, then typically placed, pinched, or “dipped” between the lip and gum, (aka “dipping,”) and now that dipping can be done with cannabis thanks to the folks over at Cannadips.

Offering a “smokeless experience for every lifestyle,” Homboldt-based Cannadips claims their product allows users to enjoy a measured dose of cannabis (150 mg of THC, to be exact) in under 10 minutes, all without smoke, odor, or any delayed absorption. And with flavors like “American,” citrus, and mint, there’s sure to be one for every taste and lifestyle. Whether you’re cowboy enough to pony up and try it is another story.

According to their website, Cannadips will be available beginning this July at select retailers throughout California.

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