We try and test a lot of great vaporizers here at The Hemponair, and while most of them have their own unique qualities and features that make them so, they all typically have one thing in common—they were built and designed with portability in mind. Not so with Topstone.

As the name implies, the Topstone vaporizer wasn’t created to fit stealthily inside your pocket, but rather displayed openly on your desk, shelf, table, or countertop for all to see, and for good reason—it’s gorgeous to look at!

Of course, so are many of the other vaporizers we’ve come across, but what makes the Topstone stand out above them is the unique craftsmanship, materials, hardware, and yes, even love, that goes into every piece.

In fact, the creator and co-founder, William Bosch, painstakingly finishes each piece himself by hand. A full-time cyclist in his past life, Will became a medical cannabis patient in 2014 due to a race-related illness. His first vaporizer design was specifically for his own use until he eventually realized that many others could benefit from his creation. After personally trying and testing the first 3 prototypes himself for more than two years, he finally landed on a design and functionality that met his high standards and is just now bringing that design to market.  

We’re talking a mouthpiece carved from beautiful bocote wood, a machine-wash safe pyrex glass chamber, 3D printed stainless steel joints for a satisfying weight and feel, and a threadless vaping mechanism that allows for twist-off joints to easily disassemble, load, clean, and reassemble without having to break a sweat. Or a fingernail!

Plus all materials are both sourced and manufactured right here in the U.S. Even the electronic internals (battery, wiring, etc.) come from a New York City-based electronics company, including a high-end Tenergy brand li-po battery that’s known not just for its trickle charge (meaning it doesn’t over or under-charge), but also for its proven safety and reliability. In other words, you’ll never have to worry about the Topstone blowing up in your pocket or, worse yet, your mouth, which as recent social media posts have proven, has apparently been an issue with many cheaper, eh, Chinese-made vaporizers.

As for the vaping itself, the Topstone hits like a true champer. Smooth and effortless, it’s capable of vaporizing wax, oils, and any other non-ashing materials (i.e. non-flower) in a matter of seconds, and each hit produces a sizable vape with even the slightest intake. And the best part? You never have to worry about multiple heat settings, buttons, flows, and any other unnecessary features, as the Topstone keeps things nice and simple with just a single button. Push it once to fire up the coil and heat your materials, and release to stop. It’s that easy.

And when it comes to charging, it’s even easier, as the Topstone has a built-in USB port hidden underneath its base for quick USB charging via a laptop, tablet, or any other USB cable and/or block, so you never have to worry about breaking or misplacing the charger.

Listen, if you’re looking for a regular portable vaporizer that gets the job done, there are plenty of options out there, but if you’re looking for a unique, one-of-a-kind vaporizer that’ll have heads turning just as much from its vapors as from its looks and craftsmanship, the Topstone is your piece. Handcrafted with premium high-end materials and top-of-the-line hardware that’s built to last, the Topstone is easily one of the most luxurious vaporizers we’ve had the pleasure of vaping with, and with its limited supply, you’ll most likely be the only one in your circles able to say the same.

Photography by John Shyloski

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