The Rolling Stones are one of the oldest (if not the oldest) rock and roll groups still around, and although they certainly have nothing left to prove, they apparently felt a need to show the world they’re still the kings of rock (and all its classic cliches) by choosing a loose and wild Kristen Stewart to star in their latest music video, a cover of blues legend Eddie Taylor’s “Ride ‘Em on Down.”

The song and video are part of their latest offering, Blues & Lonesome, a collection of blues covers and staples that harkens back to the Stones’ original rock and blues roots. In the video, reminiscent of those classic early 90’s Aerosmith videos featuring a wild Alicia Silverstone and even Tyler’s own daughter, Liv, scantily dressed in belly shirts and jeans frolicking around classic Americana, Stewart can be seen cruising around recklessly across a desolate downtown Los Angeles in a vintage electric blue mustang, mirror dice and all, while jamming out to classic Jagger melodies and Richards’ guitar licks.

At one point she even lights up a cigarette (with a Rolling Stones zippo no less!) in front of a gas tank and provocatively dances and sways to the music, arms swinging and booty a shakin’ as she channels her inner Alicia Silverstone. And while it certainly ain’t quite the same as the original (no one’s topping Alicia), it’s definitely worth a watch, if not for the music than at least for the car (sorry, Kristen). Although no need to worry, as the song rocks just as hard as the sound of that engine. And then some.

You can check out the full video below.

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