Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks, and anyone who loves cannabis as much as we do has a lot to be thankful for. After all, about 60% of Americans now live in a state where marijuana is legal (or soon to be), and if things stay on track, we could soon be living in a completely cannabis-legal country.

Unfortunately, there are still some states that have a long way to go, one of them being our hometown, New York. Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t get together and celebrate just how far we’ve come, and celebrate we did this past weekend with an early underground “Danksgiving” event right here in New york City.

Partnering with production company Lions and Legends, we secured a “secret” location and filled it with music, art, creation, conversation, and yes, even some specially baked goods for the occasion. And while open consumption obviously wasn’t allowed (get it together New York!), we certainly had our fair share of smiles and laughs, as well as a fair share of innovative cannabis and fashion accessories from some of our favorite sponsors.

We’re talking premium grinders that double as kief catchers from our friends over at Kannastör, a swiss army-like cannabis multi utility tool from the folks at RYOT, The Bureau’s Gridlock child-resistant cannabis jars, gift cards from Genius Pipe and Cannador, gold rolling papers from Shine, Fatboy’s super-popular “Perfect Putty” hair product, custom-made brass tags from Brooklyn-based Scout Original, and even custom-made cannabis scented “Hemponair” candles from the awesome couple behind Brooklyn’s Smith Street Candles Co.

Yes, the bags were filled to the hilt with heady swag, but they weren’t the only thing to give thanks for. We also enjoyed music from several up-and-coming artists like singer/songwriter Tatiana Barbosa and indie rock/soul band Born Relic, artwork from artists Tarika Campbell and Innocent Wombella, readings from several underground poets, and various other guests and speakers.

All in all, the event was a big hit (with all pun intended), and we plan on doing many more just like it in the future. After all, events like this are important to help spread the word and prove to all the doubters and haters everywhere that cannabis, just like alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, and any other legal adult pleasure, can be enjoyed responsibly in a mature, fun, friendly, and, most importantly, safe manner

So thank you! Thank you to all those who came out, thank you to all those who continue to come out, who read our magazine, support us, and support cannabis and legalization the way it should be supported. We’d be nowhere without you, and for that we’re thankful.















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Photography by Matt Coch

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