With more than one million units sold to date, PAX is easily one of the most popular vaporizers out there on the market , and for good reason—dubbed the “iPhone of vaporizers,” PAX devices have a premium, super-sleek look and feel that’s second to none in the industry, not to mention technology that’s second to none as well, and their newest addition to the family, the PAX 3, is certainly no exception.

The latest PAX vaporizer comes with several upgrades and adjustments over its predecessor that greatly improve the overall vaping experience. First off, thanks to a new, easily switchable concentrate insert, it’s now capable of vaporizing both loose leaf and extracts, giving you an equally dense vapor no matter which form of cannabis you’re using.

It also comes with an upgraded battery that powers an oven twice as strong as the previous version’s, which means it’s capable of heating your herb up twice as fast too—15 seconds flat, to be exact, which is 30 seconds faster than the PAX 2. And as always, thanks to the PAX’s standard built-in accelerometer, all you have to do is take a drag to heat it up, then simply place it down to cool it down.

Speaking of which, the PAX 3 comes with 4 different temperature settings for optimal comfort, and those settings can be controlled on your phone thanks to a new bluetooth-enabled app, which also lets you lock the device remotely as well as select among several different vaping modes—like “stealth”—which dims the vaporizer’s LED lights and reduces temperature settings to produce the smallest vapor possible.

We also like the PAX’s handy haptic feedback features, which make the vaporizer vibrate to alert you when it’s ready for vaping, when entering standby mode, and when powering off.

As for design, the new PAX 3 forgoes the PAX 2’s brushed-aluminum matte finish in favor of a shinier, polished aluminum finish that looks and feels significantly more premium than it’s predecessor, and its small, ultra-portable size remains fully intact for a device that fits just as easily in your pocket easily as it does your hand.

Bottom line: The new PAX 3 takes all the things we love about the PAX 2 and improves on them, with several nifty design and technological changes that makes one of our favorite portable vaporizers even more enjoyable to use, and one we’re sure you’ll find enjoyable using too.

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