There are a ton of books out there on cannabis, but with legalization sweeping the nation, a lot of what you thought you might already know has changed. Sure, much of the familiar basics and traditional history remain the same, but now there are entirely new subcultures growing around the cannabis plant, not to mention a slew of wild technological advancements creating new and innovative ways to consume it on an almost daily basis.

In other words, it’s a brave new world out there. A world that requires a bit of an introduction and guide to some of the newly created ins and outs surrounding our most beloved plant. And who who better to walk us through it than former VICE marijuana columnist and current High Times content head David Bienenstock?

In How to Smoke Pot (Properly)—A Highbrow Guide to Getting High, Bienenstock takes us through the post-prohibition (well, almost) cannabis era, exploring the herb’s natural life cycle from farm to pipe to edibles, drinkables, vapes, dabs, and yes, even sprays and topicals. He also covers the plant’s medicinal benefits, its past and present customs and cultures, and a ton of other interesting facts and tidbits—all in a fun and engaging read that skips the typical stoner cliches in favor of a more mature, yet humorous, one. He even includes tips, advice, and anecdotes from some of his fellow industry friends, including several well-known cannabis celebrities and thought leaders. And for those who prefer visuals, he’s got a ton of fun charts and illustrations to help get you through the pages.

So grab a copy and your favorite strain, kick back, and have a read. And if you need some suggestions on what to consume (and how to consume it) beforehand, this book’s got plenty!

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