When it comes to brushing your teeth, there are a ton of options out there. From simple $2 drugstore toothbrushes to “360 degree” toothbrushes with grips galore to advanced electronic toothbrushes that come with more buttons than Donald Trump knows how to push.

In the end, all you really need is a basic toothbrush, the right toothpaste, and a proper brushing routine. And that’s where Quip comes in. Quip has designed a simple oral hygiene system that checks off all the boxes above to ensure you get the best tooth brushing experience possible with as little hassle as possible.

First, there’s the toothbrush. The slimmest electronic toothbrush on the market, the Quip toothbrush features a sleek aluminum handle equipped with a motor that pulses every 30 seconds to let you know it’s time to move onto the next quadrant of your mouth. And if our math is correct (and hopefully yours is too), that adds up to 2 minutes of brushing, which is exactly the amount of time Dentists recommend you should be spending on your teeth (yes, we were just as surprised as you are).

Once you’ve got the brush, you’ll need some paste to go with it, and Quip offers one with the most basic of ingredients: Fluoride. A naturally occurring mineral that’s been proven time and again to prevent tooth decay by at least 25% in both adults and children, basic fluoride remains one of the few constants all dentists agree on. And Quip’s toothpaste is formulated with just the right amount of it, without all the questionable whitening ingredients, damaging abrasives, and needless additives that many big-name toothpastes tout.

Finally, part of a healthy tooth brushing routine is knowing when it’s time to change your brush. Most Dentists recommend every couple of months, but let’s be real—if you smoke as much as we do, you’ve got a hard enough time remembering where you put your toothbrush, let alone when to replace it. So Quip makes it easier (and stoner friendly) by replacing them for you. For a small fee of just $5, Quip will send you a new brush head and toothpaste tube every 3 months, helping you optimize your oral hygiene by ensuring you change it when the time comes.

In the end, Quip’s oral care routine covers all the necessary basics without any of the unnecessary bells and whistles, ensuring your dank-filled teeth stay fresh and clean for many years to come. Now that’s a dental plan we can get behind. Sorry, Obamacare.

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