While you certainly don’t need a PHD to grow your own cannabis, it still requires a certain level of knowledge and skill—especially if you plan on growing anything worth smoking. It also requires a good amount of time and energy, something of which most of us have less and less of these days. And that’s where Leaf comes in.

Leaf is the first ever “plug n’ plant” grow system that lets you easily grow quality cannabis at home in a “fun and interactive way.” The system, as it’s referred to, is a 4 x 2 ft box that fits two plants and can yield between 4-5 ounces of marijuana. And it does so automatically by monitoring the entire growth process—ventilation, lighting, and even the nutrient levels and pH of the actual soil. It then automatically adjusts its settings depending on these environmental factors. If Leaf senses your plants need more light, it adjusts the lighting. Your plants low on nutrients? No problem, Leaf simply dispenses more. It other words, it monitors every step of the growth process and optimizes your plants’ growth accordingly to achieve the best size, weight, density, and potency.

And the best part? Well, that’s where the fun and interactivity come into play. It’s all controlled from an app on your phone. The app even has a social network where you can exchange tips, recipes, and videos of your plants. Even cooler, you can access an HD live-stream of your plants or the plants of a friend on the network 24/7.

So how much will a fancy grow system like Leaf cost you? Well, for starters, it’s not even on sale yet. The official release date is some time in the summer of 2016, and although the company was taking $100 deposits to reserve one, those initial units have unfortunately already sold out. But don’t fret just yet. If you can hold out until the summer, a cool $1,500 will get you an even cooler new living room centerpiece. Expensive, sure, but when you consider the average price of an ounce of weed is around $350-$400, the unit essentially pays for itself after just a couple of months (one growth cycle takes a couple of months and yields approximately 4-5 ounces). So keep your dealer’s number on speed dial for now and keep an eye out for the next round of orders. The next Walter White could be you. And this time, he lives (assuming you’re in the right state, of course).




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