Now in its 4th year, the Cannabis World Congress & Business Expo (CWCB Expo) recently held it’s annual conference at the Javits Center here in New York City and thousands of people showed up in attendance.

Industry veterans, newcomers, politicians, entrepreneurs, techies, and just the plain ‘ol curious came out to network, learn, educate, and inform on all the latest developments in the exciting world of cannabis. There were even several celebrities and athletes on hand, including former Jets great Marvin Washington repping his Isodiol Hemp-CBD Performance Line and former pro wrestler turned politician turned cannabis activist Jesse Ventura, amongst others. And while there was certainly a ton of business and networking to be had, there was also the need for a little, eh, “relief,” from the entire two-day affair, so we stepped up the only way we knew how—with a chill rooftop happy hour celebrating the plant, the industry, and all those who toil in it.

Once the clock struck 5, hundreds left the expo to join us just a few blocks away on the rooftop of Hudson Terrace for a terrific evening of music, drinks, laughs, and other fun recreational activities. This time commandeering two entire floors, people moved back-and-forth between the expansive upstairs rooftop and the 2nd floor garden patio to dance, drink, socialize, and mingle against the gorgeous city and river views under a beautifully lit summer twilight sky. Yes, the weather was great, and so too was the vibe—a terrific way to cap off several days of work with several days of play as we welcomed in the weekend.

Special thanks to our partners, Pistil Point Cannabis and CannaGather, for helping us put on yet another successful cannabis event in the heart of New York City. A thank you also goes out to our guest hosts for the evening, High Times’ Danny Danko and Vice’s Bong Appétit producer Jason Pinsky. And finally, we’d like to extend a special thank you to all those who attended as well. Events like these are nothing without the right people showing up and getting involved, so we thank you for your continued support and hope to see you at our next event some time soon.

In the meantime, we leave you with a little taste of both the expo and the after party festivities below. Enjoy!

Photography by Briscoe Savoy

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